Magnetic tape to comply with cloud storage

Virtual storage means cloud storage now. IBM researchers now talk about an alternative way of conserving data.

According to them, the magnetic tape in the cassette can occupy the market again in the future.
Researchers say that, only one square inch of Sony's new prototype magnetic tape has been preserved in GBG data. Which is the record so far This magnetic tape has been made in more advanced technology. This magnetic tape made of thin layer of barium fires.

Magnetic tape could save 123 GB of data per square inch in 2015. Magnetic tape has the ability to store a total of 330 tiga-byte data in a cartridge. According to the size of the cartridge, it is possible to save 30 million books in hand.

Google, Amazon, cloud claims, can be stored faster and easier than magnetic tapes on their storage. But the production cost of magnetic tape is very low. The tape has much more stability. They are so welcomed by IBM's research.

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