Mysterious US spacecraft in secret missions again!

Recently the X-37b, the mysterious US spacecraft returned to the earth after completing 718 days of unidentified missions. It is known that the mysterious spacecraft is preparing to return to space in September.

The US Department of Defense has completely hidden the activities of the X-37b in space. The US Air Force is working on its extensive privacy and mystery.
The US Air Force's X-37 B Space Station was in secret mission for two years. It was specifically designed to be sent to space. No one knows what the spacecraft was doing in orbit over the last two years. Only the US authorities know. Astronauts were part of the secret mission that the US Air Force operates. But the Pentagon said that the spacecraft was working to reduce the risk. The amount of dollars spent on this project has been kept secret. This special spacecraft was flagged for the first time in 2010.

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