How To Stop Hacking ATM Card.
According to other countries in the world, huge amount of money is transmitted through ATM cards in Bangladesh. It is also happening in the case of stealing the hidden PIN of the card and handing over information from there.
So be aware of some strategies beforehand.
These devices are installed in the card reader slot so that all the information is stolen from the magnetic stripe of the ATM card.
Check whether the ATM booth's card slot is slightly hollow or in the right position. Many times the information on the debit card is stolen by adding alternative card reader slots on top of the original card slot. Many times the card slot has a 'Lebanese loop'. The Lebanese loop is a hull-sized plastic device that keeps the card in the machine.
The machine displays many times the duplicate front cover by adding duplicate. It is not possible for many to recognize it. In the front cover, the fraudsters steal the customer's PIN and money with the wrong message.
False keypad is fitted on the original keypad. If you feel like a sponge or a lump while touching, refrain from pins.
The camera is often hidden in the camera. The camera is also hidden on the roof of the ATM booth. The camera can easily be stolen by the pin.
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